On Monday night March 6th the Future T-Bird players took to the ice for a night drills and games. Coach John Ree and Coach John Jackalone were on head to introduce themselves to the players and their families. In addition thanks to the volunteer time from current players Joe Jackalone, Chase Haggerty, and Matt Campagnola on the ice with drills and demonstrations.

The Future T-Birds program consist of players in district between the ages of 7 to 10 skating as often as possible as a group. This was their 3rd time hitting the ice as a group, and will be back on the ice as a group April 17th and for another skate in May.

In addition the program through the help of some passionate parents lead by Dennis Fagan will be fielding two teams in the Dix Hills Spring School District Rec League. With more then 30 rostered players for these two teams, and over 40 kids within their network of hockey families the organization is much appreciated and will continue to benefit from the growth of these efforts.
We look forward to having the new T-Bird players and families meet the existing families over the next few months; Welcome aboard! If you have any questions please contact me direct at escbeisel@optonline.net (Steven Beisel).