Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the Connetquot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club
Article II: Purpose of the club
To field Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman, and or developmental ice hockey teams for interscholastic competition. To teach and develop fundamental and advanced ice hockey skills and sportsmanship.
Article III: Membership
Membership shall consist of coaches, board members and the parents or legal guardians of all players of the Conneqtuot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club who remain in good standing by fulfilling their financial and participatory obligations. Membership for parents or guardians of seniors shall expire at the end of the Suffolk County High School Hockey League winter season. Parents and guardians of each participating player in the club are entitled to one (1) vote each. Coaches and board members who do not have a player in the club are entitled to one (1) vote each.
Article IV: The Board of Governors
The Conneqtuot/Sayville Ice Hockey Club shall be directed by a Board of Governors comprised of the following members:
- President/General Manager – The president shall have the overall responsibility for the well-being and operation of the Connetquot/Sayville Ice Hockey Club. He/She shall see to it that the mandates of the Board of Governors are implemented and carried out according to the by-laws of Governors and general membership, and will represent the Conneqtuot/Sayville Hockey Club at all meetings needing representation. – Job will also consist of Craig Nasta Scholarship
- Vice President – The vice president shall act as an assistant to the president and in his/her absence shall assume president’s duties. – Job will also include Uniforms, Apparel
3.Secretary – The secretary shall take attendance and record the minutes of all board meetings and shall provide general administrative support as required, including preparations of letters and notices to the members, mailings, etc. – Job will also include help with apparel
4.Treasurer – The treasurer shall prepare and maintain a financial report summarizing the financial status of the organization and will present this information to the general membership at the yearly meeting or as otherwise required by the by-laws of the organization. The treasurer shall receive all payments, all checks issued by the organization. – Job will also include Awards dinner and trophies
- Director – Director is considered equal on the board and through their volunteering efforts contributes their knowledge and opinions to the well-being of the organization.
Article V: Purpose of the Board
The Board of Governors shall be the governing body of the Connetquot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club. They shall, by their majority vote, render all decisions on matters brought before them or of originated by them on any and all matters concerning the best interest of the Connetquot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club. Each member should have one (1) vote.
Article VI: Elections
- In the event that a Board Member leaves before the season starts, nominations for replacement will be held at the first parent meeting of that season. Members will be asked for nominations and voting will be by secret ballot.
- Even numbered years – President – Secretary – Director
- Odd numbered years – Vice President – Treasurer, Director
- A nominee is not required to have a participating player in the organization, but, must reside in the town of Bohemia, Oakdale, Ronkonkoma, or Sayville. (Connetquot/Sayville/BBP School District)
- Former players must wait five (5) years after graduation before applying and or being nominated for any positions.
- Should a board member decide to leave the Board during his/her term, the vacancy will be filled by appointment by the President.
- Active coaches are not permitted to serve on the board.
- Members may serve on the Board for multiple terms
- In the event that Board members in the position of President or Vice President are retired from that said position that member will have the option of having a position as Director.
Article VII: Board Meetings
The Board must hold at least six 6) board meetings per year. The meetings will be scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of each month as needed.
Article VIII: General Membership Meetings
The organization must hold one (1) general meeting per year. The meetings will be scheduled at the discretion of the President and Vice President at the start of the season. This can be done when the coaches have their parent meeting.
Article IX: Fees
- Prior to the start of the season, the Board of Governors shall determine the cost of participation per player. The cost will consist of the following:
- The total cost of league fees for all teams. (Varsity-JV-Freshman)
- Total estimated cost of practice ice
- The cost of general operations (i.e. printing, stamps, PO Box, scholarships, trophies, web hosting, etc.
Article IX: Fees Continued
- Fees will be due and payable as follows:
- Total cost will be paid in installments at dates and times to be determined by the Board of Governors.
- Failure to meet the payment schedule may result in the benching and or suspension of the player.
- In the event that a player leaves the team for any reason and still has fees unpaid, that player shall not be permitted to rejoin the team until all past due balances are paid in full. USA Hockey will be notified in certain instances.
- Fees will not include jerseys or socks, which are paid separately
- Parents will be responsible of all fees related to the hockey season and that these fees are non-refundable once season begins.
Article X: Coach Coordinator
The coach coordinator shall be responsible for organizing the coaching staff and communicating with them on a regular basis. The purpose of the position shall be to create and maintain a coaching philosophy for the organization as well as to develop systems of play for use by all levels. It shall be the coach coordinator’s responsibility to act as a chairman at all meetings of the coaches.
Article XI: Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
Head coaches of all teams shall be selected by the Board of Governors prior to the tryouts
- The head coach will appoint up to three (3) assistant coaches, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.
- All head coaches and assistant coaches must have a minimum of a USA Hockey Associate level coaching certification by December 31st. of the year in which the coaching assignment is to begin. Any coach who has not yet attained this certification may not act in the capacity of a coach at any USA Hockey sanctioned event.
- The head coach shall handle minor disciplinary problems. Major disciplinary problems (i.e. those involving a suspension for more than one (1) game, or removal from the team) shall be directed to the Board of Governors.
- The head coach must report any serious injuries to the Board of Governors
- The head coach may select a team manager after tryouts. The team manager shall act as a liaison between the parents and the club, be responsible for coordinating all team activities, contact players when needed, and assist the coaching staff when needed
- Coaches shall be responsible for picking their Captains and Assistant Captains before the start of each season.
Article XII: Ice Time
There are no guarantees of equal ice time at the Varsity level. Ice time will be at the discretion of the coaches.
Article XIII: Complaint Procedure
Members having comments or complaints concerning an individual or team problem should voice these to the appropriate team manager. The complaint must be followed up in writing to the appropriate team manager. The team manager will bring this matter to the head coach for consideration and possible action. If the problem cannot be resolved, it can be taken to the Board of Governors for final resolution. All complaints will be kept confidential.
Article XIV: Robert’s Rules of Order
Board meetings and general membership meetings will be conducted per Robert’s Rules of Order
Article XV: Craig Nast Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in honor of former Coach and Board Member Craig Nasta. It is awarded to at least one (1) graduating senior each year, as selected by the Scholarship Committee, which consist of freshman parents or anyone who does not know any of the graduating seniors. This committee will be asked of the members via email of anyone who would like to read essays and decide who would be best for the scholarship. The information is on the scholarship information received from your school scholarship packet. Any out of district player is also eligible for the scholarship. The President will contact his or her school and inform of our criteria.
Article XVI: Fundraising
A. All fundraisers done for the Connetquot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club shall be approved by the Board.
B. All proceeds from any fundraising done for the purpose of the Connetquot/Sayville/BBP Ice Hockey Club is the property of the Club and shall be handed over to the Board within 24 hours of the fundraiser with all the necessary paperwork.